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    جديد جدا جدا:Ashampoo Office 2008 البرنامج البديل عن الاوفيس +السيريال نمبر

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    عدد الرسائل : 349
    العمر : 29
    النوع : جديد جدا جدا:Ashampoo Office 2008 البرنامج البديل عن الاوفيس +السيريال نمبر I_icon_gender_male
    الدولة : جديد جدا جدا:Ashampoo Office 2008 البرنامج البديل عن الاوفيس +السيريال نمبر Male_e10
    الهواية : جديد جدا جدا:Ashampoo Office 2008 البرنامج البديل عن الاوفيس +السيريال نمبر 5910
    المهنة : جديد جدا جدا:Ashampoo Office 2008 البرنامج البديل عن الاوفيس +السيريال نمبر Progra10
    تاريخ التسجيل : 20/11/2008

    اعلان جديد جدا جدا:Ashampoo Office 2008 البرنامج البديل عن الاوفيس +السيريال نمبر

    مُساهمة من طرف MoHsEn الخميس ديسمبر 04, 2008 1:36 pm

    جديد جدا جدا:Ashampoo Office 2008 البرنامج البديل عن الاوفيس +السيريال نمبر 90518914uo6en8
    ?????? ???? ????? ???
    ??? ????? ?? ?????? ????????? ????? ???? ???? ?????? ??????? ??????? ??????
    ???? ?????????? ????? ? ???? ??? ?????? ??? ??? ???????? ???? ?????? ???????
    ****Maker 2008 ??? ??? ???? Word ? ?? ???? ? ???? ??? ? ???? ?? ??? ???????
    ???????? ???? ?????? PlanMaker 2008 ???? ??? ??? Excel ?? ????? ????????? ? ???????
    ? ???? ???? ?????? Presentations 2008 ???? ??? ??? PowerPoint ?? ????? ????
    ???????? ... ?? ???? ?? ?? ????? ??????? ???? ????? ? ???? ? ???? ??????

    The Office Package at a Fair PriceNo computer is properly complete
    without its own Office package. Office assists in the compilation of
    ****s of all kinds, in the completion of spreadsheet calculations and
    in the preparation of expressive presentations. In these tasks,
    Microsoft Office is the generally accepted standard, as its formats are
    established and the functions it offers are continually required.
    However: many users are unable to afford the Office suite.

    This is where the Ashampoo Office 2008 steps in. The program only
    occupies a limited amount of storage space on the hard drive, is very
    stable and still offers all of those Office functions which genuinely
    need to be used in private or in business environments. A fair price
    that all users can afford without problem also ensures that the
    Ashampoo Office 2008 is rapidly winning new friends. Its simple menu
    prompting and ease of use allows users of other Office solutions a
    problem-free switchover.

    It goes without saying that the
    most important thing is the fact that reading and writing in the
    original Word, Excel and PowerPoint files without losses of ******* or
    in terms of formatting presents no problem for the Ashampoo Office
    2008. That means that every user of the Ashampoo Office is able to
    open, modify and then save a Word file in exactly the same way as if
    the work had been done in Word itself.

    Ashampoo Office 2008
    is supplied with the word processing tool Ashampoo ****Maker, the
    spreadsheet program Ashampoo PlanMaker and – brand new in the current
    version – the presentations software Ashampoo Presentations. Ashampoo
    ****Maker, PlanMaker and PresentationsAs a word processing program,
    Ashampoo ****Maker is able to cope both with long and short ****s. The
    program is able to lay out a table of *******s, an index and tables,
    can import graphics and is also able to place 3D ****s. Thanks to the
    integrated addresses database, drafting serial letters presents no
    problem. Web pages are also easy to create using the program. The
    program has also won considerable praise thanks to its very high
    quality spell check system.

    With Ashampoo PlanMaker, number
    games of all kind no longer present any problems. The spreadsheets
    offer countless formulae which are a great help with automatic
    calculations. Its implementation of highlighted columns of figures in
    expressive 2D and 3D diagrams is particularly effective.

    Ashampoo Presentations is a new product. The presentations program
    brings images and ****s together, and using the pre-sets, can easily
    generate a visual presentation which can then be played back on the PC
    monitor and can also easily be exported or printed out. Ashampoo Office
    2008: Now with PDF Export and Mailing AssistantLots of things have
    changed in the new Ashampoo Office 2008. And it isn’t just down to the
    presentation program Ashampoo Presentations, which is a completely new
    addition to Office.

    A particular wish of users was PDF
    export, something which is now available in all three programs. This
    means exporting ******* so that users can open it and print it out is
    no longer a problem, as long as s/he has installed the free Adobe
    Reader on their computer.

    The object-based exchange of data
    between the three Office applications is also brand new. This means
    PlanMaker tables can be easily integrated into an Ashampoo ****Maker
    do*****ent, for instance. A single mouse click on the object is enough
    at any time to be able to work on it in the original application.

    One great extra is the new mailing assistant which is immediately
    available in Ashampoo ****Maker 2008. This helps in the printing of
    envelopes and spares its owner the annoying sizing and positioning of
    address fields. Ashampoo Office 2008: Take it with you on a USB
    stickAshampoo Office 2008 has one decisive advantage over other office
    suites. You can install it on a USB stick and take it with you wherever
    you go. If you want to use another computer in the office, your laptop
    at home, the PC in the hotel lobby or the Internet café terminal, it''s
    enough to just plug in the USB stick and continue your office work
    seamlessly. Installation unnecessary.

    Many users are already
    using this feature to always carry their most important do*****ents and
    the work environment they are used to with them
    ??? ???????? 39.2 ???? ????

    Serial Number


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      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الأربعاء أكتوبر 02, 2024 8:34 am